
Detailed Guide on the Oil Process in Factorio


Oil processing in Factorio is a crucial component for advancing through the game. This guide provides detailed steps and strategies to effectively set up and upgrade your oil refining operations from the early game to the late game.

Basic Oil Refining

Blueprint Setup:

  1. Combinator Overview: Place a combinator to list all inputs and outputs. This helps in tracking what your setup is consuming and producing.
  2. Initial Setup: Start by consuming 100 crude oil to output 45 petroleum gas. This setup includes hazard concrete for alignment and to ensure space is reserved for future expansions.

Advanced Oil Refining

Transition to Blue Science:

  1. Setup Refining: Once blue science is researched, upgrade to advanced oil refining. This requires water to be connected to the setup.
  2. Input and Output Management: Use combinators to manage refining, heavy oil cracking, and light oil cracking. This setup doubles petroleum output from 45 to 98 units per second.
  3. Priority Management: Employ tanks, pumps, and red wire to prioritize lubricant and light oil production until certain thresholds are reached.

Moduled Advanced Oil Refining

Scaling Up:

  1. Beacons and Modules: Integrate beacons and modules to significantly increase petroleum production (up to 831 units per second). Ensure that modules are placed manually on entities.
  2. Power Management: Be aware of the increased power requirements—63 megawatts in total. Prepare for higher energy consumption.

Double Moduled Advanced Oil Refining

Final Upgrade:

  1. Doubling the Build: The final build produces 1660 petroleum per second, consuming 1100 crude oil and 1800 water per second. This setup requires multiple water pumps and possibly pumps along oil pipelines to maintain pressure.
  2. Heavy Oil Management: Ensure some heavy oil cracking is always active to prevent backlog, even when lubricant is prioritized.
  3. Power Intensive: This setup, however, is extremely power-hungry, requiring 116 megawatts of power. Plan your power supply accordingly.


With these blueprints and strategies, you can efficiently transition from basic to advanced oil refining, ensuring a steady and scalable supply of petroleum products throughout the game. Each step builds upon the previous one, allowing for seamless upgrades without the need to tear down and rebuild your entire setup.

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