install valheim public test Mistlands

How to install Valheim Mistlands Public Test branch, beta

In this guide we will show you how to install Valheim public test on the client and server.

How to install Valheim Mistlands Public Test Beta

See the release notes for the valheim public beta here

How to install public beta on Valheim client

1. Go to steam select valheim and settings. You will see the below pup up and go to betas

valheim beta

2. Enter the beta access code “yesimadebackups” to unlock private beta

valheim beta password

3. After cling check code then you will get a notice to backup your saves before using

valheim betas backup warning

4. This will immediately start installing the valheim public test branch.

How to install public beta on valheim server

To install the public beta on the server we will follow the same steps as for the client

1. Take a backup of the server as this action will delete all files. Follow this guide on how to take backups of your valheim server

2. Turn off the server

3. Go to the startup menu. And enter the beta branch and beta password.

beta password and branch

the beta branch in this case will be “public-test”


4. Make sure auto-update is turned on

5. Then start your server, this will install the Valheim test branch selected.

Note: BepInEx as its not currently up-to-date to support the Mistlands public test Steam Beta so installing mods will disable the beta support.
Please keep in mind that this is still the Public Test version, and that there will possibly be several patches to fix bugs and improve the balance of the game before this update is released to the Live version of the game.

Congratulations! you have the Valheim public test both on the server and client you can now connect to the server and enjoy the new features before everyone else.

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