arma reforger server config

Arma Reforger Server Configuration (config.json) guide

This guide will walk you through the comprehensive process of configuring your Arma Reforger dedicated server, focusing on the JSON configuration format. We’ll explore essential settings, from basic network configuration to advanced game properties, and show you how to use helpful tools like armareforger.xyz to simplify the setup process. Whether you’re hosting on XGamingServer panel or another platform, you’ll find detailed explanations and examples to help you create a perfectly tailored server configuration.

Quick Setup with Online Tools

For easier server configuration, you can use the following tools:

  1. Visit armareforger.xyz – An online configuration generator/Chrome Extension that provides a user-friendly interface for creating your server config file.

Accessing config.json File on XGamingServer

  1. Log into your XGamingServer control panel
  2. Navigate to your Arma Reforger server
  3. Click on the “File Manager” tab
  4. Look for the server.json file in the root directory
  5. Click on the file to edit it directly in the web interface

Essential Arma Reforger Server Configuration Parameters

Root Configuration Settings

Network Configuration

"bindAddress": "",
"bindPort": 2001,
"publicAddress": "",
"publicPort": 2001


  • bindAddress: Leave empty for automatic configuration (
  • bindPort: Server’s UDP port (default: 2001)
  • publicAddress: Public IP address (leave empty for auto-detection)
  • publicPort: Public-facing port (usually matches bindPort)

Steam Query (A2S)

"a2s": {
"address": "",
"port": 17777


  • address: IP for Steam queries
  • port: Steam server browser query port

RCON Configuration

"rcon": {
"address": "",
"port": 19999,
"password": "your_rcon_password",
"maxClients": 16,
"permission": "admin",
"blacklist": [],
"whitelist": []

Important Notes:

  • Password must be at least 3 characters
  • No spaces allowed in password
  • Set permissions to “admin” or “monitor”

Game Configuration

Basic Server Settings

"game": {
"name": "Your Server Name",
"password": "",
"passwordAdmin": "admin_password",
"admins": ["76561198xxxxxxxxx"],
"scenarioId": "{SCENARIO_ID}",
"maxPlayers": 32,
"visible": true

Key Settings:

  • name: Server name in browser
  • password: Server access password
  • passwordAdmin: Admin access password
  • admins: Steam IDs for permanent admins
  • maxPlayers: 1-128 players
  • visible: Server visibility in browser

Platform Support

"game": {
"crossPlatform": true,
"supportedPlatforms": [

Platform Options:

  • PLATFORM_PC: Windows PC
  • PLATFORM_PSN: PlayStation (vanilla servers only)

Game Properties

"gameProperties": {
"serverMaxViewDistance": 1600,
"serverMinGrassDistance": 0,
"networkViewDistance": 1500,
"fastValidation": true,
"battlEye": true,
"disableThirdPerson": false,
"VONDisableUI": false,
"VONDisableDirectSpeechUI": false,
"VONCanTransmitCrossFaction": false

Critical Settings:

  • fastValidation: Always keep TRUE for public servers
  • serverMaxViewDistance: 500-10000 meters
  • networkViewDistance: 500-5000 meters
  • battlEye: Recommended for anti-cheat

Mod Configuration

"modsRequiredByDefault": true,
"mods": [
"modId": "WORKSHOP_ID",
"name": "Mod Name",
"version": "1.0.0",
"required": true

Mod Settings:

  • modId: Steam Workshop ID
  • version: Optional specific version
  • required: Mandatory status

Operating Configuration

"operating": {
"lobbyPlayerSynchronise": true,
"disableCrashReporter": false,
"disableNavmeshStreaming": [],
"disableServerShutdown": false,
"disableAI": false,
"playerSaveTime": 120,
"aiLimit": -1,
"slotReservationTimeout": 60,
"joinQueue": {
"maxSize": 12

Best Practices

Performance Optimization

  1. Use the -maxFPS startup parameter
  2. Keep fastValidation enabled
  3. Adjust aiLimit based on server capacity
  4. Balance view distances with performance


  1. Always enable BattlEye
  2. Use strong admin passwords
  3. Keep fastValidation enabled
  4. Regularly update mods


  1. Backup configurations regularly
  2. Monitor server performance
  3. Update mod configurations
  4. Validate JSON syntax after changes


Common Issues

  1. Server Not Visible
    • Check visible setting
    • Verify port forwarding
    • Confirm public address
  2. Performance Issues
    • Check view distance settings
    • Monitor AI count
    • Verify mod compatibility
    • Adjust network settings
  3. Mod Problems
    • Verify mod IDs
    • Check version compatibility
    • Confirm required status

Complete Example Configuration

"bindPort": 2001,
"publicPort": 2001,
"a2s": {
"port": 17777
"rcon": {
"port": 19999,
"password": "secure_password",
"permission": "admin"
"game": {
"name": "My Arma Reforger Server",
"passwordAdmin": "secure_admin_password",
"maxPlayers": 32,
"visible": true,
"gameProperties": {
"serverMaxViewDistance": 2000,
"networkViewDistance": 1500,
"fastValidation": true,
"battlEye": true
"operating": {
"lobbyPlayerSynchronise": true,
"aiLimit": 50

Remember to:

  • Always validate your JSON configuration
  • Keep regular backups
  • Monitor server performance
  • Update settings based on server usage patterns
  • Test changes in a development environment first

Need help? Join the Arma Reforger community for support and additional resources.

Looking for Arma Reforger Server Hosting? Get A server from XGamingServer

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