Make your Euro Truck Simulator 2 players feel welcome with the help of the welcome message feature as a server owner you can set a message that will be displayed to players when they join the server and this message can be used to provide important information such as server rules, special events, or just to welcome the player, In this article we will guide you on how to easily set a custom welcome message for your server!
how to set a welcome message to your ETS2 server:
1- go to your server’s control panel, then hit “Stop” to stop your server!

2- go to “Files” then to “local > share > Euro Truck Simulator 2 > server_config.sii”, and search for “welcome_message”

3- after finding “welcome_message” change it to the message you want to get displayed when a player join your server, then hit “Save Content”

4- go to your server’s console then start your server by hitting “Start”

And this is how you can set a welcome message to your Euro Truck Simulator 2 Server!
If you need any help with your service don’t hesitate to contact us through our support tickets at https://billing.xgamingserver.com/submitticket.php
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