
How to add seasons to your Minecraft server

Do you want to improve the gameplay on your Minecraft server? Say hello, realistic seasons! In this article, we’ll show you how to add this new seasons to your Minecraft server, bringing new adventures to it!

In this article we will be using plugin “RealisticSeasons“, If you don’t know how to use plugins on your Minecraft server, then please take a look at this article “How to install plugins on your Minecraft server

How to configure the plugin?

1- Go to your server’s control panel and stop your server, then go to the “Files” tab, then head to this directory “home/container/plugins/RealisticSeasons/config.yml” from here you will be able to control almost every aspect of the plugin

Commands & Permissions

Player commands:

  • Command: /season Permission: realisticseasons.getinfo Description: Displays the current season, date, days until the next season, active events, and air temperature to the user.
  • Command: /toggleseasoncolors Permission: realisticseasons.toggleseasons Description: Toggles the season colors (trees, grass, water, sky, etc.) for the player running the command only.
  • Command: /toggletemperature Permissions: realisticseasons.toggletemperature, realisticseasons.toggletemperature.others Description: Disables the temperature system for the player running the command only.
  • Command: /toggleseasonparticles Permission: realisticseasons.toggleparticles Description: Disables all season particles for the player running the command only.
  • Command: /togglefahrenheit Permission: realisticseasons.togglefahrenheit Description: Toggles the player’s temperature between Fahrenheit and Celsius on the action bar and placeholders.
  • Command: /currentbiome Permission: realisticseasons.getbiome Description: Displays the name of the biome that the player is currently in.

Admin commands:

  • Permission: realisticseasons.admin
  • Command: /rs set <spring/summer/fall/winter> Description: Changes the current season in the world the player is in and sets the date to the first day of the season.
  • Command: /rs setdate <dd/mm/yyyy> Description: Changes the date of the world the player is in. If the date falls on a different season, it will also switch seasons.
  • Command: /rs install <generator> Description: Installs biome configuration files for supported custom world generators.
  • Command: /rs nextseason Description: Skips to the next season.
  • Command: /rs disable Description: Disables seasons in the current world.
  • Command: /rs restoreworld Description: Reverts all changes the plugin has made to the world.
  • Command: /rs temperature toggle Description: Toggles the temperature system on or off in the current world.
  • Command: /rs temperature modify <player> <temperature-change> <duration> Description: Temporarily changes the temperature of a player.
  • Command: /rs temperature clear <player> Description: Removes all temporary temperature effects from the specified player.
  • Command: /rs pausetime Description: Pauses time in the current world.
  • Command: /rs getinfo Description: Displays the current season, date, days until the next season, active events, and air temperature.
  • Command: /rs reload Description: Reloads all RealisticSeasons files, except the biome files.
  • Command: /rs help Description: Shows a list of all commands with a short explanation.

If you need any help with your service don’t hesitate to contact us through our support tickets at https://billing.xgamingserver.com/submitticket.php

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