dst mods

How to install mods on a Don’t Starve Together (DST) server

Step 1: Locate DST the Server Files

In Pterodactyl, your server files are typically under:
For mods, focus on two key files:

  1. dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua – Downloads mods from the Steam Workshop.
  2. modoverrides.lua – Enables mods and configures settings.

Step 2: Configure Mods

A. Add Mods to dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua

  1. Navigate to /home/container/DoNotStarveTogether/ in the Pterodactyl file manager.
  2. Create or edit dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua (if it doesn’t exist).
  3. Add lines for each mod using its Steam Workshop ID. For example:

-- Dedicated Server Mod Setup File
ServerModSetup("123456") -- Replace 123456 with the mod ID
ServerModSetup("654321") -- Another mod ID

  • Find Mod IDs: The ID is in the mod’s Steam Workshop URL (e.g., ?id=123456).

B. Enable Mods in modoverrides.lua

  1. Navigate to the server’s configuration folder (usually /home/container/DoNotStarveTogether/config/server/Master/).
  2. Create or edit modoverrides.lua in this folder.
  3. Add code to enable mods and configure settings:
   return {
     ["workshop-123456"] = { enabled = true }, -- Enable mod with ID 123456
     ["workshop-654321"] = { -- Mod with custom settings
       enabled = true,
       configuration_options = {
         some_option = "value",

Step 3: Force Mod Downloads (Optional)

If players should be forced to download mods, edit server.ini in the same folder (/config/server/Master/):

server_save_slot = 1
max_players = 6
server_password =
enable_autosaver = true
tick_rate = 15
enable_vote_kick = true
pause_when_empty = true

shard_enabled = true

steam_group_only = false
steam_group_id = 0
steam_group_admins = false

encode_user_path = true

max_snapshots = 6
console_enabled = true

force_enable = true -- Add this line to force mod downloads

Step 4: Restart the Server

  1. Save all files.
  2. Restart the server via the Pterodactyl panel. The server will download and activate the mods.


  • Mods Not Loading:
  • Verify dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua and modoverrides.lua are in the correct folders.
  • Check for typos in mod IDs or Lua syntax (commas, brackets).
  • Review server logs in Pterodactyl for errors (e.g., failed mod downloads).
  • Players Can’t Join:
  • Ensure mods are marked as enabled = true in modoverrides.lua.
  • Some mods require client-side installation (e.g., UI mods). Warn players to subscribe to those.

Example Folder Structure


This setup works for most Pterodactyl-hosted DST servers. 🌟 Test mods one at a time to avoid conflicts!

Looking for a DST server? Rent one from us

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