
How to Set Up an Arma Reforger dedicated Server Hosting

For the ultimate multiplayer experience in Arma Reforger, creating your own server is crucial. Enjoy conflict mode battles, “Capture & Hold” mode, or embark on a solo adventure with a game master in Everon mode. Setting up an Arma Reforger server is straightforward using SteamCMD.

Arma Reforger Server Requirements:


  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 or AMD FX-4300
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 or equivalent
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Storage: 15 GB available space


  • Arma Reforger server software
  • SteamCMD (for server software installation)
  • libcurl4
  • net-tools (for debugging)

XGamingServer Arma Reforger Hosting Options

For convenient multiplayer sessions in Arma Reforger, consider renting a dedicated server from XGamingServer. While running the server on your own computer is an option, specific specifications are necessary for this resource-intensive military simulator, including RAM, CPU, and bandwidth.

Choose from the following three servers:

  1. Arma Reforger Novice: High Performance starting at $18.00/month with 5GB RAM
  2. Arma Reforger Rookie: Starting at $25.00/month with 6GB of RAM
  3. Arma Reforger Pro: High Performance starting at $35.00/month with 8GB of RAM

Flexibility is paramount, allowing you to upgrade or downgrade your plan as needed.

Setting Up Your Arma-Reforger Server: Step-by-Step Guide

How to install Arma Reforger server using Steam dedicated server

  1. Start the Game: Launch Arma Reforger on your device.
  2. Navigate to Multiplayer: Go to the Multiplayer section in the game menu.
  3. Host New Server: Select the “Host” tab and then choose “Host new server.”

How to install Arma Reforger server using SteamCMD

  1. Download Server Files: Use SteamCMD to download the Arma Reforger server files.
  • Install SteamCMD following the instructions at https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD.
  • Log in as anonymous: login anonymous
  • Set installation directory: force_install_dir <path_to_server_directory>
  • Download Arma Reforger server: app_update 1874900
  • Exit SteamCMD: quit
  1. Launch Server: Navigate to your server directory and launch the server with the desired startup parameters.

Configuring Startup Parameters

  • Configuration File: To specify a server configuration file, use the -config parameter followed by the path to your JSON configuration file.
  ArmaReforgerServer.exe -config "./Configs/Campaign_SWCoast.json"
  • MaxFPS: To set a maximum frame rate for the server, use the -maxFPS parameter followed by the desired FPS limit.
  ArmaReforgerServer.exe -maxFPS 60
  • Server Parameter: To launch the server with a specific world, use the -server parameter followed by the path to the world file. The config parameter is ignored in this case.
  ArmaReforgerServer.exe -server "worlds/MP/MPTest.ent" -addonsDir "C:\MyModsDir" -addons MyCustomMod

Additional Commands

  • Logging Server FPS: Use logStats followed by the logging interval in milliseconds.
  -logStats 1000
  • Setting Log Level: Use logLevel followed by the desired detail level.
  -logLevel 3
  • Listing Available Scenarios: Use listScenarios to log available scenario configuration files on startup.

How to install Arma Reforger server on Linux

  1. Install Necessary Software: Install libcurl4, net-tools, and libssl1.1 to ensure the server runs smoothly.
   apt-get update
   apt-get install libcurl4 net-tools libssl1.1
  1. Configure Network Settings: Use the ipconfig command to find your local IP, and set the gameHostRegisterBindAddress and gameHostRegisterPort parameters in your server’s custom configuration JSON file.
  2. Launch Server: Use the same startup commands as mentioned above, adjusted for Linux if necessary. Ensure execution permissions are granted to the server binary.
   chmod +x ArmaReforgerServer
   ./ArmaReforgerServer -config "./My_Config.json"

How to install Arma Reforger server using Docker

  1. Install Docker: Follow the installation guide for your operating system at https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/.
  2. Pull Ubuntu Image: Download the Ubuntu 18.04 image.
   docker pull ubuntu:18.04
  1. Run Ubuntu Container: Start a container with the necessary ports exposed and volumes mounted.
   docker container run -t -d -p 2001:2001/udp -v /path/to/server_data:/home/server_data --name ar_reforger ubuntu:18.04
  1. Connect to Container: Access the bash shell of the container.
   docker exec -it ar_reforger /bin/bash
  1. Install Server Dependencies: Repeat the Linux server setup steps inside the Docker container.
  2. Launch Server: Use the same commands as in the Linux setup, adjusted for the Docker environment.

This comprehensive guide covers the essentials of setting up both player-hosted and dedicated Arma Reforger servers. Whether you’re running a server for friends or a larger community, these steps will help you get started on the right foot.

We have an Arma Reofrger server config tool please check it out

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