
How to use AI in your Minecraft server

In this article we will be showing you how to be able to use and take advantage of AI in your Minecraft server using a plugin called “MineGPT”

In this article we will be using plugin “MineGPT“, If you don’t know how to use plugins on your Minecraft server, then please take a look at this article “How to install plugins on your Minecraft server

How to configure the plugin?

1- Go to your server’s control panel and stop your server, then go to the “Files” tab, then head to this directory “home/container/plugins/MineGPT/config.yml” from here you will be able to control almost every aspect of the plugin

Commands & Permissions

Player Commands:

  1. /minegpt <prompt> – Permission: None
  2. /minegpt help – Permission: minegpt.command.help
  3. /minegpt chat [handler] – Permission: minegpt.command.chat
  4. /minegpt prompt [handler] <prompt> – Permission: minegpt.command.prompt
  5. /minegpt info <type> <value> – Permission: minegpt.command.info
  6. /minegpt stats [player] – Permission: minegpt.command.stats
  7. /minegpt translate <locale> <message> – Permission: minegpt.command.translate

Administrator Commands:

  1. /minegpt reload – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.reload
  2. /minegpt player <player|all> help – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.player
  3. /minegpt player <player> delete – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.player
  4. /minegpt player <player|all> reset daily total – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.player
  5. /minegpt player <player|all> set daily limit <limit> – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.player
  6. /minegpt discord – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.discord
  7. /minegpt plugin review [1|2|3|4|5] – Permission: minegpt.command.admin
  8. /minegpt plugin version – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.version
  9. /minegpt support help – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.support
  10. /minegpt support confirm – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.support
  11. /minegpt support register <discord> – Permission: minegpt.command.admin.support

Command Permissions:

  1. minegpt.command.help – Allows the player to execute the help command.
  2. minegpt.command.chat – Allows the player to execute the chat command.
  3. minegpt.command.info – Allows the player to execute the info command.
  4. minegpt.command.prompt – Allows the player to execute the prompt command.
  5. minegpt.command.stats – Allows the player to execute the stats command.
  6. minegpt.command.stats.others – Allows the player to execute the stats command for other players.
  7. minegpt.command.translate – Allows the player to execute the translate command.

Administrator Command Permissions:

  1. minegpt.command.admin.help – Allows the player to execute the admin help command.
  2. minegpt.command.admin.reload – Allows the player to execute the reload command.
  3. minegpt.command.admin.player – Allows the player to execute the administrative player commands.
  4. minegpt.command.admin.discord – Allows the player to execute the administrative plugin discord command.
  5. minegpt.command.admin.version – Allows the player to execute the administrative plugin version command.
  6. minegpt.command.admin.support – Allows the player to execute the administrative support commands.

Other Permissions:

  1. minegpt.chat.translate.send – Allows the player to auto-translate their messages in chat for receiving players.
  2. minegpt.chat.translate.receive – Allows the player to receive auto-translated messages.
  3. minegpt.request.player.limit.<limit> – Sets the player’s daily request limit to <limit> on player join. The highest limit permission will be taken if the player has access to multiple limit permissions. The list of limits is defined as request.player_daily_limits in the config.yml.

If you need any help with your service don’t hesitate to contact us through our support tickets at https://billing.xgamingserver.com/submitticket.php

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