
The Front Admin Commands

Looking for the Front Servers. Rent one from us

1. Set Your UID

Before you can access admin commands, ensure your User ID (UID) is correctly set:

  • Locate the GameUserSettings.ini file in your game directory.
  • Check if your UID is correctly set in this file. If not, add or modify it as needed.
  • Alternatively, you can also set your UID in the game’s launch parameters. Refer to our installation guide for detailed steps.

2. Access the Command Window

Once in the game:

  • Press the Backtick key (`) located next to the number 1 key at the top left corner of your keyboard. This action will open the command window in the game.

3. Obtain a User’s Steam64ID (if needed)

For certain admin commands, you might need a user’s Steam64ID:

  • Navigate to SteamID.io.
  • Enter the Steam account name of the user whose Steam64ID you need.
  • Once the data loads, locate and copy the value next to “Steam64.”

With these steps, you should be logged in as an admin and ready to execute various commands. Remember to use your admin privileges responsibly and ensure a fair gaming environment for all players.

4. Run the Front Admin commands

Below are the admin commands

Function NameDescriptionGM Commands
Server Player LimitThe max number of players on your server.SetQueueThreshold [amount]
SetMaxQueueSize [amount]
Damage self?Allows players to damage themselves.SetIsCanSelfDamage 0(Disable)/1(Enable)
Damage allies?Allows squadmates to damage each other.SetIsCanFriendDamage 0 (Disable)/1 (Enable)
Allow chat (incl. voice)?When disabled, prevents players from sending chat messages in-game.SetCanChat 1 (Allowed) 0 (Not allowed)
Allow attachments?When disabled, prevents receiving attachments in-game.MailAttchEnable 0 (Not allowed)/1 (Allowed)
Server save intervalServer archive interval (in seconds)SetSaveGameInterval [seconds]
Item stack rateStack limit for each type of item.GMSetOverlapRatio [multiplier]
Drop items on death?0 = No drops, 1 = Drop all, 2 = Drop inventory (does not include equipped or hotkey items)GMSetDeathDropMode [parameter]
Set structure decayWhen enabled, structures will decay.SetConstructDisableRot 1 (Disabled) 0 (Enabled)
Creatures/structures drop items on death?When enabled, creatures and structures will drop items when killed/destroyed.GMSetCanDropItem 0= No drops; 1= All drop
Allow item discard?Set whether players can discard items.GMSetCanDiscardItem 0 (cannot discard)/1 (can discard)
Enable wounded state?Enables whether wounded state is triggered when HP falls to 0, or player immediately dies.SetPlayerHealthDyingState 1 (Wounded state is enabled)/0 (Wounded state is disabled)
Add admin accountEnter a 17-digit Steam ID. Use semicolons between each ID. GM level defaults to highest level (Lv. 25)AddGM [Account ID] [GM level]
Remove admin accountRemoves an admin. Format: AccountIDRemoveGM [AccountID]
Label adminToggles special admin icon.ToggleGMTitleShow 0 (Not displayed)\1 (Displayed)
Discarded items despawnItems discarded will disappear after this amount of time.GMSetDiscardBoxLifeSpan [time (in seconds)] (Default -1 to use default settings)
Dropped items despawn after deathItems dropped on death will disappear after this amount of time.GMSetDeathInventoryLifeSpan [time (in seconds)] (Default -1 to use default settings)
Monster raid cooldown rateMultiplies the cooldown time between supply deliveries.SetAttackCityCdRatio
Initial respawn cooldownBasic revival cooldown duration.SetGMRebirthBaseCD [time (in seconds)]
Respawn cooldown penaltyAmount by which revival cooldown increases after multiple deaths.SetGMRebirthExtraCD [time (in seconds)]
Death penalty times#N/ASetGMPenaltiesMaxNum [times]
Death penalty respawn timeTime after which stacked revival cooldowns are reset.SetGMPenaltiesCD [time (in seconds)]
Show all Spacetime BeaconsDisplays the location of other players’ Beacons on the map.OpenAllHouseFlag 0 (Disabled)/1 (Enabled)
Heat RES Boost rateMultiplies character Heat RES.SetPlayerHotDefAddRate [multiplier]
Cold RES Boost rateMultiplies character Cold RES.SetPlayerIceDefAddRate [multiplier]
Friendly name display distanceMax distance at which you can see a squadmate’s name (in meters)SetFriendDisplayDistance [distance (in meters)]
Non-friendly name display distanceMax distance at which you can see a non-squadmate’s name (in meters)SetEnemyDisplayDistance [distance (in meters)]
Inventory item DUR death penaltyOn death, the Durability of equipped items will fall by max Durability times this amount (does not affect drops)SetPlayerDeathAvatarItemDurableRate [multiplier]
Hotbar item DUR death penaltyOn death, the Durability of hotbar items will fall by max Durability times this amount (does not affect drops)SetPlayerDeatShortcutItemDurableRate [multiplier]
Crafting/repair time rateMultiplies item crafting/repair time.GMSetCraftTimeRate [multiplier]
All XP rateMultiplies all XP earned.SetPlayerAddExpRate [multiplier]
Kill XP rateMultiplies XP earned from killing monstersSetPlayerKillAddExpRate [multiplier]
Collection XP rateMultiplies XP earned from collecting resourcesSetPlayerFarmAddExpRate [multiplier]
Crafting XP rateMultiplies XP earned from crafting itemsSetPlayerCraftAddExpRate [multiplier]
Movement speed rateMultiplies movement speedSetMoveSpeedRate [multiplier]
Jump height rateMultiplies jump heightSetJumpHeightRate [multiplier]
Fall DMG boostMultiplies damage taken from falls.SetPlayerLandedDamageRate [multiplier]
HP rateMultiplies max HP.SetPlayerMaxHealthRate [multiplier]
HP recovery rateHP recovery will be multiplied by this value.SetLifeRecoverRate [multiplier]
Stamina rateMultiplies max stamina.SetPlayerMaxStaminaRate [multiplier]
Stamina recovery rateStamina recovery will be multiplied by this value.SetStaminaRecoverRate [multiplier]
Stamina loss rateMultiplies stamina consumption speed.SetStaminaConsumeRatio [multiplier]
Max fullness multiplierMax Fullness will be multiplied by this value.SetPlayerMaxHungerRate [multiplier]
Fullness loss rateMultiplies Fullness consumption speed.GMSetHungerDecRate [multiplier]
Fullness from food rateMultiplies amount of Fullness recovered by eating.GMSetBodyHungerAddRate [multiplier]
Max hydration multiplierMax Hydration will be multiplied by this value.SetBodyWaterMaximumRate [multiplier]
Hydration loss rateMultiplies Hydration consumption speed.GMSetWaterDecRate [multiplier]
Hydration from water rateMultiplies amount of Hydration recovered by drinking.GMSetBodyWaterAddRate [multiplier]
Max O2 multiplierMultiplies max Oxygen.SetBreathMaximumRate [multiplier]
O2 recovery rateMax Oxygen will be multiplied by this value.SetBreathRecoverRate [multiplier]
O2 loss speedMultiplies Oxygen consumption speed.SetPlayerBreathCostRate [multiplier]
Med recovery rateMultiplies amount of HP recovered from meds.GMSetPlayerHealthRate [multiplier]
Food and med duration rateMultiplies the duration of effect of food and meds.GMSetFoodDragDurationRate [multiplier]
Vehicle vs. player DMG rateMultiplies the amount of damage vehicles deal to players.SetVehiclePlayerDamageRatio [multiplier]
Vehicle vs. structure DMG rateMultiplies the amount of damage vehicles deal to structures.SetVehicleConstructDamageRatio [multiplier]
Vehicle collection rateMultiplies the amount of resources collected by vehicles.GMSetVehicleDamageRate [multiplier]
All monster respawn time rateMultiplies time before dead wild NPCs can respawn.SetNpcRespawnRate [multiplier]
Monster NPC corpse despawn timeAnimal NPC corpses will disappear after this amount of time (in seconds)SetAnimalBodyStayTime [time (in seconds)]
Human NPC corpse despawn timeHuman NPC corpses will disappear after this amount of time (in seconds)SetHumanBodyStayTime [time (in seconds)]
Wild NPC corpse drop rateMultiplies the amount of items dropped by a wild NPC on death.GMSetNPCLootableItemRate [multiplier]
Wild NPC starting lv. rateMultiplies the level of wild NPCs, making them more powerful.SetNpcSpawnLevelRate [multiplier]
Wild NPC DMG rateMultiplies the damage dealt by wild NPCs.SetWildNPCDamageRate [multiplier]
Wild NPC HP rateMultiplies the HP of wild NPCs.SetWildNPCHealthRate [multiplier]
Wild NPC speed rateMultiplies the movement speed of wild NPCs.SetWildNPCSpeedRate [multiplier]
Raid NPC lv. rateMultiplies the level of raid NPCs, making them more powerful.SetCityNPCLevelRate [multiplier]
Raid NPC DMG rateMultiplies the damage dealt by raid NPCs.SetCityNPCDamageRate [multiplier]
Raid NPC HP rateMultiplies the HP of raid NPCs.SetCityNPCHealthRate [multiplier]
Raid NPC speed multiplierMultiplies the movement speed of raid NPCs.SetCityNPCSpeedRate [multiplier]
Raid NPC amt rateMultiplies the total amount of raid NPCs summoned each round.SetCityNPCNumRate [multiplier]
NPC name display distanceMax distance at which you can see an NPC’s name (in meters)SetNpcDisplayDistance [distance]
Collectible resource spawn rateMultiplies the amount of resources received upon collection.GMSetInventoryGainRate [multiplier]
Raid corpse drop rateMultiplies the amount of items dropped by a raid NPC on death.GMSetCityAtkNPCLootItemRate [multiplier]
Melee DMG vs. NPC rateMultiplies melee weapon damage that characters deal to NPCs.SetMeleeNpcDamageRatio [multiplier]
Ranged DMG vs. NPC rateMultiplies ranged weapon damage that characters deal to NPCs.SetRangedNpcDamageRatio [multiplier]
Melee PVP DMG rateMultiplies melee weapon damage that characters deal to players.SetMeleePlayerDamageRatio [multiplier]
Ranged PVP DMG rateMultiplies ranged weapon damage that characters deal to players.SetRangedPlayerDamageRatio [multiplier]
Melee DMG vs. structures rateMultiplies melee weapon damage that characters deal to structures.SetMeleeConstructDamageRatio [multiplier]
Ranged DMG vs. structures rateMultiplies ranged weapon damage that characters deal to structures.SetRangedConstructDamageRatio [multiplier]
Collection tool DMG multiplierMultiplies damage that tools deal to resources.GMSetToolDamageRate [multiplier]
Durability loss multiplierMultiplies durability lost when using tools, weapons, and armor.GMSetDurabilityCostRate [multiplier]
Resource collection rateControls max gains from collection. This value must be bigger than other collection rates.GMSetMaxRetrieveProductsRate [max multiplier] (Default -1 means no upper limit is determined)
Wood production rateMultiplies amount of wood collected.GMSetTreeGainRate [multiplier]
Plant production rateMultiplies amount of plants collected.GMSetBushGainRate [multiplier]
Ore production rateMultiplies amount of ore collected.GMSetOreGainRate [multiplier]
Crop production rateMultiplies amount of crops collected.GMSetCropReapRate [multiplier]
Animal production rateMultiplies amount of items collected from corpses.GMSetFleshGainRate [multiplier]
Crop growth speedMultiplies growth speed of planted crops.GMSetCropGrowRate [multiplier]
Player Beacon limitMax number of Beacons each player can build.SetPlayerMaxHouseFlagNumber
Player work structure limitMax number of work-type structures each player can build will be multiplied by this value.SetGJConstructMaxNumRatio [multiplier]
Beacon trap limitMax number of traps that can be within Beacon coverage.SetHFTrapMaxNum [amount]
Beacon turret limitMax number of turrets that can be within Beacon coverage.SetHFTurretMaxNum [amount]
Structure DMG taken rate (non-traps, turrets, beacons)Damage taken is multiplied by this value.SetConstructDefenseRatio [ratio]
Trap DMG taken rateDamage taken is multiplied by this value.SetTrapDefenseRatio [ratio]
Turret DMG taken rateDamage taken is multiplied by this value.SetTurretDefenseRatio [ratio]
Trap DMG rateMultiplies damage dealt by traps.SetTrapDamageRatio [multiplier]
Turret DMG rateMultiplies damage dealt by turrets.SetTurretDamageRatio [multiplier]
Structure DUR rateMultiplies the max Durability of structures.SetConstructMaxHealthRatio [multiplier]
Structure DUR recovery rateMultiplies the Durability recovery speed of placed structures.SetConstructReturnHPRatio [multiplier]
Spacetime Beacon auto-repair rateMultiplies the Durability recovery speed of structures within auto-repair range of a Beacon.SetHouseFlagRepairHealthRatio [multiplier]
Oil Well work production rateMultiplies resources collected from Oil Wells.GMSetTTC_Oil_Rate [multiplier]
Dew Collector work production rateMultiplies resources collected from Dew Collectors.GMSetWaterCollector_Rate [multiplier]
Mine work production rateMultiplies resources collected from Mines.GMSetTTC_Ore_Rate [multiplier]
Fish Basket work production rateMultiplies resources collected from Fish Baskets.GMSetTTC_Fish_Rate [multiplier]
Beacon player gun DMG RES rateDamage that beacons take from player firearms is multiplied by this value.SetCHFDamagedRateByPlayer [ratio]
Beacon player vehicle DMG RES rateDamage that beacons take from player vehicles is multiplied by this value.SetCHFDamagedRateByVehicle [ratio]
Beacon NPC DMG RES rateDamage that beacons take from NPCs is multiplied by this value.SetCHFDamagedRateByNpc [ratio]
Beacon daily non-protection durationSets the amount of time that beacons can be attacked. Values must be between 0 and 24.SetHouseFlagExcitantTime [number]
Close serverClose serverCloseServer
Save worldSaves server dataSaveWorld
Set world time#N/ASetTime [time value]
Set weather#N/ASetWeather [weather ID] [region ID]
Enable/disable invisibilityRenders monster, player, NPC, or defensive structure invisible.hide 1(Enabled)/0 (Disabled)
Enable/disable flightThere are no walking animations or sound effects while in flight.Fly/Walk
Set Speed#N/ASetAttribute 36 (attribute number) [value]
Enable/disable noclipEnables flight and removes character collision, allowing them to pass through objects.Ghost
Enable/disable structure sightDisplays structure names and structure owner names, making it easier to find buildings on the map.PerspectiveConstruct 0 (don’t display)/1 (display)
Enable/disable player sightDisplays player names, making it easier to find players.PerspectivePlayer 0 (don’t display)/1 (display)
Go toCommand + coordinatesgoto x y z
Kill all spawned NPCs#N/AClearAllNPC
Set own model sizeChanges the size of your character model.SetPlayerScaleRate [scale]
Disable all invulnerabilityAffects all players on the current server.ClearAllPlayersGodMode
Enable/disable infinite stamina#N/AActivateInfiniteStamina 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled)
Enable/disable environmental immunity#N/AActivateIgnoreEnvironment 1(Enabled)/0 (Disabled)
Enable/disable infinite HPRecovers Max HP every second.ActivateInfiniteRecoverHealth 1 (Enabled)/0 (Disabled)
Kill target squad’s players, creatures, and vehicles, and destroy all its structures (with drops)If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected. Upon death/destruction, items will be dropped.KillGuildAll 1
Kill target squad’s players, creatures, and vehicles, and destroy all its structures (no drops)If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected. Upon death/destruction, items will not be dropped.KillGuildAll 0
Destroy target squad’s structures within radius of 1-150 (with drops)Command + radius parameter. If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected.KillRadiusGuildConstruct 1 [radius (in meters)]
Destroy target squad’s structures within radius of 1-150 (no drops)Command + radius parameter. If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected.KillRadiusGuildConstruct 0 [radius (in meters)]
Destroy target squad’s vehicles within radius of 1-150If target player is not on a squad, only they will be affected. If target player is on a squad, the whole squad will be affected.KillRadiusGuildVehicle 1 or 0 [radius (in meters)]
Clear supply cooldownClears target player’s supply cooldown.ClearAttackCityCD [Player ID]
Enable/disable GM Super DMGEnables one-hit kills on creatures, vehicles, and structures (guns can also destroy structures).SetEnableSuperKill
Join target structure’s squadSelect a squad before entering this command.JoinGuild
Obtain current squad’s max authorityYou will become the squad captain, and the original squad captain will be demoted to a member. This function is only for GM operation.SetGuildAdmin 1/0
Force change squad nameSquad ID + new name; must pass duplicate name detection.ForcedChangeGuildName [squad GUID] [new squad name]
Force join squadCommand + squad ID (ignores squad player limit).JoinGuildByGuid [squad GUID]
Kill target unitKills unit you are facing (any structure, creature, vehicle).KillInteractObject
Enable/disable creator modeCrafting and repairing will not require materials.GMCreatorMode Enable state (1 Enabled, 0 Disabled)
Toggle overhead viewEnables use of specific shortcut keys to switch to an overhead perspective of a player, at the same time enabling noclip, flight, and invulnerability.Shift+C and Shift+V
Give item to player (Item ID)#N/AGMAddItems [itemID] [amount] [playerID] (if playerID is not entered, this command will default to yourself)
Give EXP to playerCommand + Account ID + EXPAddTargetPlayerExp [playerID] [EXP value]
Spawn specified creature ID (Coordinates)#N/AGMSpawnNPCByLocation [creatureID] [level] [coordinate x] [coordinate y] [coordinate z]
Spawn specified creature ID (Character)#N/AGMSpawnNPCByPlayerGuid [creatureID] [level] [amount] [distance (in meters)] [playerID] (if playerID is not entered, this command will default to yourself)
Spawn specified pet ID (Character)#N/AGMSpawnPetByPlayerGuid [creatureID] [level] [amount] [distance (in meters)] [playerID] (if playerID is not entered, this command will default to yourself)
Go to player#N/AGotoPlayerByAccount [playerID]
Bring player to you#N/ARelocatePlayerToGM [playerID]
Kill player#N/ADestroyPlayerByGUID [playerID]
Clear player items#N/AGMClearInventory [playerID]
Unlock all recipesCommand + Account IDUnlockTargetAllRecipe [playerID] (“self” to use on self)
Unlock all talentsCommand + Account IDUnlockTargetAllTalent [playerID] (“self” to use on self)
Kick offline (no notification)#N/AKickPlayerOff [playerID]
Ban userPrevents player from logging onto the server.BanPlayer [playerID] login
Unban userRemoves a player’s server logon restriction.PermitPlayer [playerID] login
Mute player (including voice)Prevents player from using in-game chat function.BanPlayer [playerID] chat
Unmute playerRemove a player’s in-game chat function restriction.PermitPlayer [playerID] chat