Valheim Mods Installation to server

Best Mods for Valheim Server that you would love.

This guide will list some of the best Valheim mods you should look at

BepInExPack for Valheim

BepInEx is a general purpose framework for Unity modding.
BepInEx includes tools and libraries to

  • load custom code (hereafter plugins) into the game on launch;
  • patch in-game methods, classes and even entire assemblies without touching original game files;
  • configure plugins and log game to desired outputs like console or file;
  • manage plugin dependencies.


A HarmonyX Mod aimed at improving the gameplay quality of Valheim. The mod includes several different main features that allow users to modify the stats of players, buildings and entities. V+ also offers players the ability to build and place objects with very high precision through a sophisticated system, as well as tweaking and modifying already placed objects with equal precision. The goal is to provide V+ as a base modification for Valheim to increase quality of life, tweak the game’s difficulty, and in general, improve the player’s experience. V+ also comes with a version and configuration control system for servers and users, enabling server owners to ensure that only players with the same configuration are able to join the server.

But participants who spend a lot of time functioning on their facets will like this most for the advanced building and editing system. An individual can freely shift construction pieces plus items precisely on the x, y, plus z axis, and also edit the position of things after they’ve been built, as opposed to destroy and repair them. If you are identified to build typically the Viking fort of the dreams, you need to definitely check this imod out.

Advanced Building

Players can modify an object’s position and rotation in the default building mode and our additional modes.

Advanced Editing

Players can select an existing item by pressing the hotkey, they can then modify the object’s position and rotation.

Shared Map

Players can share the discovered map whether they are online or offline, it syncs to the server upon joining.

Change Server Slots

Part of a large clan? We make it possible for you to adjust your server slots to any size and even remove the password!

Craft From Chests

Players can craft from chests when using the hammer, cooking stations and workbenches.

Build From Chests

Players can build from chests when using the hammer tool.

Fuel From Chests

Players can automatically fuel all fire sources from chests.

Auto Deposit Items

Players can auto deposit items into chests from the beehive, kiln, smelter and furnace.

Craft with Containers

This Valheim mod allows you to make use of resources in nearby containers when crafting, building, using smelters and kilns, refueling fires, cooking food, etc.

This mod allows you to pull resources from all containers in range when:

  • crafting an item
  • upgrading an item
  • building a construction piece
  • adding fuel or ore to a smelter
  • adding wood to a kiln
  • adding fuel to a fire, standing torch, or sconce,
  • cooking food in a cooking station
  • doing whatever it is you do with windmills

It also provides several modifier keys for advanced behaviour

  • a modifier key (left shift by default) that, when held, pulls until full for ore and fuel.
  • a modifier key (left ctrl by default) that, when held, pulls the resources into the player inventory instead of building/crafting.
  • a modifier key to turn off the mod’s behaviour entirely (left alt by default) when held down. This behaviour can also be reversed in the config to only allow this mod to perform its function when the key is held down by setting SwitchPrevent to true.

BetterUI for Valheim

Want to Improve your valheim UI then this valheim mod updates the game UI with few subtle edits.
You are able to edit and select what updates you want to use.

This mods main idea is to make the interface of Valheim more easier to understand.
I’ll add slowly new additions to this mod – and fix bugs that you report.
If you have suggestions what UI related modifications you want to see, please leave an post. I’ll be reading posts on this mod frequently.

By default every modification is turned ON. You may not like all of them, so you have the option to toggle certain modifications.
To toggle these options, please check the config file on your mod manager or \Bepinex\config folder.

Quick overview on all the edits this mod does. You need to open the config file to edit these options.

Custom UI

  • Able to edit element positions
  • Add custom elements to UI
  • If need help, check FAQ


  • Colorblind mode
  • Track character level
  • Display character stats on character selection
  • Hover over players armor icon (InventoryUI) to see character stats

and much more

Valheim Epic Loot

This mod aims to add a loot drop experience to Valheim similar to Diablo or other RPGs. Monsters and chests can now drop Magic, Rare, Epic, or Legendary magic items. Each magic item has a number of magic effects on it, that give bonuses to the item or your character when that magic item is equipped.

The mod is currently in Early Access! That means it’s not done! Be patient as the author adds new features, fixes bugs, and finishes things up. If you want to help, please provide feedback on the Nexus mod page or on the github for the following:

  • Bugs (check to make sure your bug is new and not already reported)
  • Balance Issues (drops too strong? Too weak? Ruin the crafting progression?)
  • Missing content (check the TODO list below to make sure the author isn’t already planning to do it)
  • Suggestions for new magic item effects
  • Suggestions for something else like UI or art improvements

EpicLoot works in multiplayer and on dedicated servers! The server and all players should have the mod and its dependencies installed.


Inventory room is pretty limited in Valheim, and there aren’t even special equipment slots for your armor and helmet. This mod not only adds slots for each piece of armor you wear, but allows quickslots for items like potions or food that you may want to access on the fly with a keypress instead of having to open the inventory pane.

Here’s how you can install mods on a dedicated server

Unrestricted Portals

Unrestricted Portals is a mod that allows players to take any item through portals. The mod is highly customizable, allowing players to restrict, unrestrict, or add multipliers for every item.

Because Valheim has so many resources that are separated by tons of land and water, it makes grinding certain resources a pain. Having to go from one point to another takes lots of time. It is a useless grind. The developers fixed this by adding portals. This would be a solution, but they then blacklisted certain items. The blacklist of certain items forced players to go back to doing the useless grind.

If you think being able to take every item across portals is too overpowered or easy, then you can edit the configuration file to:

  • Make every item restricted. (Can be overridden by individual item entries .)
  • Make every item unrestricted. (Can be overridden by individual item entries.)
  • Make individual items restricted.
  • Make individual items unrestricted.

Permadeath in Valheim

Make death more serious.

Includes configuration options in permadeath.cfg to:

  • enable/disable the plugin
  • enable/disable beds: with beds disabled (default), you will always respawn in the starting zone
  • enable/disable protected equipment: when equipment is protected, equipped items will drop in your gravestone, otherwise they’re permanently lost
Looking to change your game to PvP?


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