
How to install and use Worldguard in your Minecraft server

Learn how to install and use WorldGuard to protect and control particular regions of your Minecraft world

In this article we will be using “WorldGuard“, If you don’t know how to use plugins on your Minecraft server, then please take a look at this article “How to install plugins on your Minecraft server

How to use the plugin?

Once you have installed the plugin, ensure that you are either an operator or have the necessary permissions to access the plugin’s commands. After that, you can begin utilizing the commands listed in the link below

WorldGuard Commands

And here are the necessary permissions to be able to use these commands in case you weren’t an operator

WorldGuard Permissions

Setting up a region

Initially, we’ll concentrate on picking a certain area and then creating a region inside that area!

1- Go to the area where you plan to apply to make using WorldEdit
2- Stand in the corner then run command //wand and left click the corner
3- go to the opposite corner then right click it
4- After selecting your preferred region, enter the command /region define regionName> to give the region a unique name

Because the default WorldGuard building flag is set to deny, player building will be automatically prohibited when you create your first region. You may re-grant them building access using the command /region flag regionName> build allow!

Setting up a flag

Flags in WorldGuard allow you to set unique restrictions inside a certain region. This lets you to change gameplay aspects like getting rid of PvP, restricting mob spawns, disabling fall damage or preventing player admission into the area entirely

A list of the flags you are able to use: WorldGuard Flags

1- Use the command /region flag <regionName> <flag> <allow/deny> to set a flag for a specific region.
For example, to disable PvP inside a region, use the command /region flag regionName> pvp deny.

2- Add certain players as members to enable them access and bypass the limits you established in an area. Use the command /region add member <regionName> <playerName> to add a member to a region.

3- You can also add an owner to an area who will have complete power over the region. Use the command /region addowner <regionName> <playerName> to add an owner to a region.

If you need any help with your service don’t hesitate to contact us through our support tickets at https://billing.xgamingserver.com/submitticket.php

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